“About Time - Diary of Twenty Months” to be published

On January 15th, my new book, About Time - Diary of Twenty Months, will be published, at the same time as the opening of my exhibition of the project in BERG Contemporary at Klapparstígur 16, Reykjavík.

The book is in both Icelandic and English, 128 pages, and designed by Sigrún Sigvaldadóttir at Hunang.

The cover of About Time - Diary of Twenty Months

About Time is based on 14 diaries that I published in limited editions to subscribers during the twenty months that the book covers, from autumn 2018 to summer 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic had broken out.

The work is drawn up with a variety of timelines and is a visual diary in which I reflect on my life and that of my family in times of change. At the same time, it deals in a broader sense with the unstoppable time and its complex nature, which I try to examine with the camera.

Another task of the work is to reflect my homogeneous cultural background, on a remote island in the North Atlantic, in ancient, distant and more complex cultural nuclei. In addition to photographing my own Icelandic environment and daily life, I worked in Varanasi and Kolkata in India, in Rome, Italy, and in Egypt.



Einar Falur in Snowflakes and Other Surprises in Copenhagen